Febuary 22, 2019
LOUi Consulting Group Inc., of Warner Robins, Georgia, was awarded a firm-fixed-price GSA task-order on Feb. 8, 2019, for $7,157,444. The task-order provides Essentris® (DoD's In-patient Medical Record) support, a mission-critical comprehensive clinical documentation system that is deployed to a total of 36 Air Force, Navy and Army medical treatment facilities (MTFs). As a fully deployed application, Essentris® requires system support services such as Systems Administration, Database Administration / Reconciliation, CDR/GDR Support, User Administration, Hardware and Software Support of Essentris® and its ancillary interfaces.
Essentris® provides:
- Real-time monitoring of heart, fetal and other critical data
- Shares data with AHLTA and VistA users via BHIE
- Interfaces with the Composite Health Care System (CHCS)
- Includes HL7 inbound ADT (Admission, Discharge,Transfer), laboratory results and radiology text interpretation from CHCS
- Allows real-time data back up for every single transaction through the Essentris® Server/GDR
- Provides enhanced order entry workflow as well as task lists, notifications and user preferences
Essentris® is designed to maintain a complete record of patient encounters that deliver to Military Medicine the ability to provide enhanced quality and continuity of health care to the mobile population and clinical base. The Military Health Program's electronic health record was implemented in response to the President's Executive Order 13335 of April 27, 2004. The period of performance is from Feb. 28, 2019, to Dec. 27, 2020. Work is being performed within CONUS and OCONUS sites in 6 different countries, including the United States, Spain, Italy, Japan, Guam and Cuba. The contract was procured on a competitive basis and constitutes LOUi Consulting Group's 7th year of providing DoD Electronic Health Record IT Support to DHA.
President and CEO, Elias Rodriguez had this to say about the award.
"LCGI is excited to continue to work with DHA as they prepare for the future coming of MHS GENESIS. Until then, we will continue to work hard to ensure that the current systems are providing the best EHR support up until the very last service-member is serviced within the current platform. We thank DHA for choosing us amongst the competitive field and we look forward to integrating the teams."